Marlene Dumas: Measuring Your Own Grave, on view at MoMA
Marlene Dumas - Quotes I liked of her's from the above interview -
"How the figure relates to the canvas"
"Sometimes the figure struggles to stay inside the canvas, sometimes it struggles to stay outside the canvas".
(Im currently focusing on trying to make the most of having the opportunity we have with a space to utilise, and how to use it the best we can, to try not to overuse it, or underuse it)
"My best paintings are like drawings and my best drawings are like paintings"
"I like when works are fast, the speed of a work is quite important, you make your decisions, and it's over and it's done".
(I agree often the paintings which come together quickly, and flow mean that they have the magic needed,... have that something special. Its off the point when someone asks how long does a painting take you ? because i think thats irrelevant as your best painting may take a hour to complete and your worst 2 years.....)
"Maybe someone is doing the same painting over and over again just in different disguises".
(I think this is clever - ask yourself are we constantly challenging ourselves as artists? are we having fun and are we fresh in our creations)
"Sometimes things just come together, and sometimes you just get stuck in your own vanity and stupidity".
(Hilarious ! so true! )
I love how she uses her mediums and the space of the her works. She seems to have a talent for being honest with herself and the painting process and what the painting is giving. She lets the painting live the life it wants to and doesn't force a preconceived idea of what the painting was intended to be.
She seems to know when to stop, and also how less can be more, and space can be more powerful left alone. These are things Im trying to focus in within my practice.
Lastly: " One thing people tell you is it's important to clean your brush, well I don't "
(Thanks for Marlene! now I don't feel alone)
Here's the link to this interview: